Shopify Partners With TikTok, Gains Ecommerce Access to Users of Social Platform
Social media platforms are creating new ways to shop online, and the latest is TikTok, which has entered the game with a partnership with Shopify.
Ecommerce Marketplaces Versus Social Media: On Owning the Customer Journey
Considerations for brand marketers on using different advertising strategies depending platform or marketplace.
Nike and Facebook Up Their Ecommerce Game
Brands are adapting to a world of digital purchasing by enhancing their ecommerce efforts and focusing on marketing directly to consumers.
Engage & Convert
Six Ways to Use Instagram’s Ecommerce Tools for Marketing
Following are ways in which marketers can use Instagram toward their ecommerce objectives.
Walmart Partners With Shopify to Give SMBs Access to Marketplace
In an effort to woo small- and medium-sized businesses, Walmart has partnered with ecommerce platform Shopify.
Special Report: How Brands Are Enhancing Their Digital Infrastructure for Ecommerce
How General Mills and BACARDI are increasing their ecommerce efforts–plus four key trends.
Facebook, Pinterest Integrate New Online Shopping Features
Facebook and Pinterest are providing more tools for marketers to facilitate product marketing online.
Tips for Optimizing Your Website for Ecommerce
New consumer habits point to an increased need for brand marketers to optimize their ecommerce presence.
Data & Analytics
Five Ways to Engage Ecommerce Customers
How ecommerce businesses can enhance customer engagement and increase sales.
Retail Ho Ho Holidays: 3 Tips for Improving Sales
Creating a retail holiday is an opportunity to inject growth into a brand, connect with customers
during otherwise stagnant seasons and make an entire array of interactions shoppable.