
Direct Mail

  • Meet the Broker: Inga Beck

    Today we meet Inga Beck, a list planner who specializes in fundraising at Names in the News Inc., Oakland, CA. Beck says she enjoys list analytics more than any other aspect of her work. “That’s my niche.”

  • British Postal Strike Set for Thursday

    The Communication Workers Union, the U.K. postal workers organization, said it would strike Royal Mail for 24 hours beginning at 7:00 p.m. on July 12 after negotiations with Royal Mail broke down.

  • EP Votes to Break Postal Monopolies by 2011

    The European Parliament has voted to dismantle national monopolies for mail delivery by 2011, according to wire service reports.

  • Avista Capital to Acquire Controlling Interest in Iwco Direct

    Avista Capital Partners, parent of the Minneapolis Star Tribune, will acquire a controlling interest in direct mail services company Iwco Direct from Court Square Capital Partners for an undisclosed sum.

  • Greco Warns of No-Mail Bills, Hopes Next Rate Case Tied to CPI

    Direct Marketing Association president John Greco Tuesday warned of the possible dangers of do-not-mail legislation under consideration in 15 states. He also solicited contributions to the Mail Moves America Coalition, an organization of 50 direct marketers, trade groups and printers the DMA set up to fight such bills.

  • Meet the Broker: Joel Cooper

    Today we meet Joel Cooper, president of New York brokerage List Strategies Inc. Cooper began his career working with business-to-business files, but over the years he

  • BOG Okays Repositionable Note Test Extension

    The U.S. Postal Services Board of Governors voted to extend the deadline of the test of placing repositionable notes (post-its) on he outsides of direct mail pieces until April 3, 2008.

  • Mail Stream: A Report on Incoming Direct Mail

    The Sharper Image and real estate mogul Donald Trump have teamed up to sell “The World’s Greatest Steaks” via the marketer’s June catalog. And yes, there are plenty of robotic massage chairs and air purifiers found in the 76-page book as well. A piece from the Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes rather boldly displays a dollar incentive as part of a fundraising effort that features an ask ladder of $50/$100/$250/$500/$1,000/$2,500/other. And The Ultimate Office Organize Now’s catalog highlights a system that keeps frequently referenced material at one’s fingertips, along with a host of other items geared toward using space effectively.

  • The Bombardment Begins

    My friend and list guru Bob Dunhill sent me a fundraising mailing, to which he appended the statement Abraham Lincoln made when asked how long his legs