Anthem Blue Cross Uses E-Mail to Push Wellness
How many people really believe that their health care provider cares about their health? That was the challenge faced by Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and its parent company Wellpoint.
A Letter From Lester Wunderman
Don Peppers and Martha Rogers maintain that “Return on Customer Value is in fact that rarest of things in business—a truly new idea.” I would like to thank them for the compliment because my clients, my agency and I seemed to recognize and use long-term customer value, and even wrote about it long before they did.
The One-to-OnePass
The latest version of Continental Airlines’ One-Pass newsletter reflects a deep customer file, a mandate to save money — and ultimately a desire to offer passengers more pertinent communications.
Four Myths About Retail Loyalty Programs
Most retail loyalty programs are alike, and many are failing in their basic mission. Consumers and retailers are feeling disillusioned, but the programs are not the problem. It’s the mindset behind them.
Data Debris
Direct marketing in the United States will generate $1.85 trillion in 2005, 7%of the country’s $26 trillion total sales, according to a new study released by the Direct Marketing Association.
10 Steps to Prepare Your Data for Direct Marketing
If your customer and prospect data aren’t accurate, trustworthy, and actionable, your direct marketing campaign is doomed, no matter how sterling every other aspect of it is. Happily, Highlands Ranch, CO-based database marketing company Dovetail has come up with a checklist
Most-Redeemed Loyalty Reward: Gift Certificates
Once again, research shows that what consumers want and what they say they want are two different things. According to research conducted by Maritz Loyalty Marketing, consumers chose gift certificates over cash, merchandise, and travel rewards when trading in loyalty points built up on their bank-issued credit cards last year. But when signing up for credit-card loyalty programs
CDW Offers Something for Everybody
You wouldn’t send a special report on small business tax relief to government clients, would you? That’s why CDW, a technology solutions provider, sends out separate weekly e-newsletters—CDW for businesses, and CDW-G for government and education recipients.
The Art and Science of E-Zines: An Interview with Todd Smart
Todd Smart has strong views on e-mail newsletters. As well he might, for his company, BeTuitive Marketing, specializes in helping clients build relationships through e-newsletters and blogs.
Want High Open Rates? Send Your First Issue
It’s a familiar syndrome in the e-mail newsletter business. The first issue pulls a great open rate. Then the second issue goes out and the opens are in the lower double digits. Does this mean you have a turkey on your hands?