

  • Brown & Williamson Invests in CRM

    Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. has signed a five-year, eight-figure contract with KnowledgeBase Marketing Inc. for customer relationship management

  • Collectible DATA

    Unlike Superman or Wonder Woman, Batman doesn’t have special powers. Still, many consider the Dark Knight to be one of the great superheroes, if not perhaps

  • Check Your Alignment

    Two business ventures were launched. Both sold the same products at a comparable price. Both spent considerably on packaging and advertising. Both developed

  • One-to-One Upmanship

    You’ve heard the old joke a woman says to her friend, What a wonderful son I have. He goes to a psychiatrist twice a week, and all he can talk about is


    ONE COULD SAY that Sovereign Bancorp Inc. went the adoption route to grow its financial family. The Wyomissing, PA-based retail bank has completed 24

  • Sector Schism

    CONSUMER FIRMS are more likely to invest in database personnel and their systems, but business-to-business companies are gearing up to spend more on marketing

  • Great Expectations

    RISING CUSTOMER DEMANDS and ebbing budgetary resources does this sound like the way the tide has been turning in your company’s customer relationship

  • Survey: Retention-Based E-mail to Surge

    Report predicts e-mail will draw from direct mail budgetsThe number of e-mail marketing messages received by consumers will skyrocket from the 3 billion