Starz Encore Group Chooses Cohorts for Prospecting and Market Research

Starz Encore Group LLC will launch a trial campaign using Cohorts’ Proof of Concept service. The test, which will focus on subscribers in the Louisville, KY area, will attempt to sell Starz Super Pak movie offerings to its basic-service only subscribers.

“Basic-only customers are attractive targets for Starz Super Pak programming, because research indicates that 50 percent of basic only customers spend significant discretionary income monthly renting movies,” Jilliana Wachendorf, senior vice president for Starz Encore Group, said in a statement.

Denver-based Cohorts divides U.S. households into clusters that share demographic, lifestyle and consumer behavior characteristics. Starz will use this information to version its messages based on market segment.

“Starz Encore has a challenge that many large companies face – a potential customer base so diverse and with so many disparate characteristics that it becomes increasingly challenging to understand their hot buttons,” Mario Casparian, vice president of client services for Cohorts, said in a statement.

While Starz did not release the number of customers scheduled to be targeted by the test, Cohorts usually makes 200,000 records available for initial trial runs.

Starz Encore Group Chooses Cohorts for Prospecting and Market Research

Starz Encore Group LLC will launch a trial campaign using Cohorts