Smithfield Foods Buys Basse’s Choice

(Catalog Age)–Longtime food supplier Smithfield Foods Inc. has acquired cataloger and retailer Basse’s Choice. The purchase price was not disclosed. The deal was completed in June but announced only last week.

Hog producer and pork processor Smithfield Foods bought food gifts cataloger Smithfield Cos. early last year. At the time, Smithfield Foods considered using Smithfield Cos. catalogs to market its products as well, but decided against it as that would have put the firm in direct competition with Basse’s Choice, which had been selling Smithfield Foods products for 12 years.

“We would have been direct competitors with each other, and it wouldn’t have made much sense,” Basse’s Choice founder Alan Monette said, in a statement.

Smithfield Foods is based in Smithfield, VA.