Short Cuts

Two marketing agencies Cimarron Group of Hollywood and San Diego-based Soapbox Mobile Inc. have jointly launched a new service called MyTicket that allows consumers to purchase movie tickets via cell phone and receive opt-in offers for related movie merchandise and food promotions. The partners plan to expand to the service to sell tickets to sports and other entertainment venues.

Austin, TX-based Return Path Inc., an e-mail performance management firm, estimates between 19 and 30% of legitimate opt-in e-mail messages are incorrectly flagged as spam and inappropriately blocked from reaching intended recipients. Spam designations are typically based on key words such as “sale,” according to Return Path.

APAC Customer Services Inc., Deerfield, IL, has acquired new software from Witness Systems for monitoring multi-channel customer communications. It captures and records online chats, e-mail and telemarketing interactions between consumers and customer service agents for random monitoring and analysis.

Mayor Richard M. Daley has proclaimed Nov. 10 as Chicago Association of Direct Marketing Day. For more information on the 50th annual conference that begins that day contact the CADM, George Buckley at 312-849-2236 or [email protected].