803 results for: pop-up

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Carmela Leon watched the women jumping and shook her head. Not me, not today, she laughed. And not in these shoes. Her footwear may have kept her from

Hooray For Us

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

CAMPAIGN OF THE YEAR PRODUCT RED CLIENT: Gap, Inc. AGENCY: A Squared Group The promotions agency A Squared Group pulled off an amazing feat last year

Software ‘Downloaders’ Settle With FTC

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

An operation that allegedly downloaded software onto consumers' computers that spawned pop-up messages demanding instant payment for an expired free trial offer has settled charges with the Federal Trade Commission that it violated federal law.

American Blind Drops Trademark Suit Against Google

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

American Blind & Wallpaper Factory Inc. has been thwarted in its effort to stop Google from letting competitors bid on its trademarks as search terms. On Friday, the two firms settled a 2003 lawsuit which would have tested Google's right to sell the terms.

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