Regal Entertainment Group is rolling out its “Red Carpet Dreams Sweepstakes” for a second consecutive year, offering loyalty club members a shot at a trip to the Oscars.
Regal Crown Club members are entered for a chance to win the trip by attending Oscar-nominated films at any Regal Entertainment Group theatre nationwide. In partnership with the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, Regal is offering a grand-prize package for two pairs of winners, including access to see the renowned red carpet at next year’s Academy Award ceremony.
To enter, moviegoers can sign up now or use their existing Regal Crown Club card when purchasing tickets to any of the 2008 Academy Award nominated films in the following categories: best picture, directing, actor, actress, supporting actor, supporting actress, documentary feature, song, original screenplay and adapted screenplay. Club members are automatically entered when they buy tickets with their club cards. The sweepstakes at runs through Feb. 19.
“It’s a natural fit with our theatre franchise,” Dick Westerling, senior vice president of marketing and advertising, said.
Regal experienced a lift in club card memberships for the same promotion last year, although Westerling declined to qualify the impact in numbers.
Regal makes members aware of the promotion through the monthly newsletter it sends them. Members receive five extra credits for each ticket they buy for a film, nominated in the best film or director categories, during the sweepstakes entry period. Credits can be used for free popcorn, soft drinks or movie passes.