PrimeQ launches new version of SORT Technology

PrimeQ launches version 3.0 of its new Self Optimizing Revenue Technology that is sure to be a heart stopper in the online advertising industry.

With this latest release, a publisher can now go online to and walk through a simple online wizard after creating an online account and instantly get the URL for a dynamic SORT CoRegistation path. The wizard will allow a publisher to select the design of the path, format of the offers, category of the offers and even select a target revenue per user.

Furthermore, PrimeQ offers the ability to append a publishers user information by posting back to the publisher additional information that the was gathered during the users time in te SORT path such as revenue earned in a session, work phone number and types of offers taken.

PrimeQ’s amazing new system even self optimizes by the layout of the offers. Many different paths in the marketplace perform well. Understanding why one performs better than another is the key to great conversions and high revenue. PrimeQ has taken it’s solution to a new level.