803 results for: pop-up

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Pop Out to Get You

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

White #10 envelope. White #10 envelope. Jiffy Pak containing fold-out mailer with pop-up baby monkey and banana-flavored bubble gum. White #10 envelope.

Live from Ad:Tech San Francisco: Dyson Sees Uphill Battle for Adware

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Internet economy guru Esther Dyson believes that much of the current flap over programs that advertisers use to track web behavior stems from the public's confusion about the distinction between spyware and adware and the role of cookies. But she doesn't hold out much hope that that confusion can be totally dispelled by industry efforts…

Dyson Sees Uphill Battle for Adware

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Internet economy guru Esther Dyson believes that much of the current flap over programs that advertisers use to track web behavior stems from the public’s confusion about the distinction between spyware and adware and the role of cookies.

Cookies and the Deletion Dilemma

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

A March report from JupiterResearch has triggered something of a tumult in the industries that rely on Web metrics with its findings that one of the key tools for measuring Web traffic may be much less reliable than previously thought.

Buzz Gets Louder

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Marketers spent an estimated $166 billion on event marketing in 2004, up a healthy 9% for the year. Total 2004 spending wasn't the 15% to 20% jump that

Teaching Tools

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Free, take one. Who doesn't love those freebies picked up at the grocery store, event or in the mail? But if marketers don't properly educate consumers

Busy Signals: Interactive Marketing Hits Speed-Dial

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Sixty-one percent of marketers have earmarked up to 10% of their 2005 marketing budgets for interactive programs (including Internet and text messaging), per PROMO's January survey of marketing execs. Most marketers (55%) spent less than 5% of their 2004 marketing budgets on interactive efforts. Cutting-edge campaigns feel like exclusive, private conversations between consumers and brands—often…

Busy Signals: Brands put Internet, cell phone campaigns on speed-dial

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Media keeps migrating to smaller and smaller screens as marketers step up their Internet and mobile-phone promotions. Sixty-one percent of marketers have earmarked up to 10% of their 2005 marketing budgets for interactive programs (including Internet and text messaging), per PROMO's January survey of marketing execs. Most marketers (55%) spent less than 5% of their…

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  • Profiles & Campaigns (71)
  • Data Driven ROI (49)
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  • Experiential Marketing (31)
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  • Chief Marketer Staff (444)
  • Kaylee Hultgren (87)
  • Patty Odell (68)
  • Beth Negus Viveiros (34)
  • Tony Campana (18)
  • Tim Parry (7)
  • Brian Quinton (6)
  • Richard H. Levey (6)
  • Chief Marketer (6)
  • Evan Vladem (3)
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