2652 results for: influencers

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Q&A with Pepper Miller and Herb Kemp: African-Americans Challenge Advertisers to Speak to Them Year Around

According to Pepper Miller and Herb Kemp, the authors of "What's Black About It?", "Civil rights activists and educators are becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the commercial exploitation of the month, originally intended to honor the history of black achievement in America. African-Americans are becoming more aware of the ulterior motives of some of the promotions…

Listline e-Newsletter 01/27/06

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Walter Karl Inc. has been chosen to manage the Tristar Product Buyers master file, which identifies 900,000 customers from the last 12 months. Those listed spent between $15 and $100 in response to TV infomercials.

Reinventing the Marketing Organization: Five Critical Components

Faced with increasing demand for accountability and greater pressure from a changing media landscape, marketers are being asked by senior management as never before to address organizational issues: Is your marketing organization set up for success? Are you aligned with key stakeholders across the business?

Marketers: Show Me the ROI…with Direct Response

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Seeking measurability and concrete ROI, more national marketers are shifting their dollars away from brand-building efforts to direct response promotional channels, according to a new study by New York-based strategic consulting firm Winterberry Group.

Data Collection Pushing Loyal Customers Away: Study

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Loyal retail consumers are jumping ship, saying retailers are asking for too much personal information to participate in loyalty programs. The number of shoppers who said they were long-term loyal customers dropped to 77.2% this year, compared to 83.8% ...

First Person: Student Rep Networks in Action

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

For most marketers, reaching the heavily targeted, overconsumed, and increasingly diverse audience of college students is quite a challenge. Capturing a piece of college students' $200 billion spending power is an even greater challenge.

Women 40+ Defined by Four Segments: Study

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

There is no "one size fits all" approach to reaching the influential 40 and over female, but rather distinct segments that should be marketed to appropriately, according to a new study. The study, conducted for More magazine by trend and research ...

How Search Engines Have Changed Public Relations

When it comes to Public Relations, the driving philosophy that underlies even the most minute aspect of a campaign is that perception equals reality. This is as true as ever in the Interactive Age because anyone with Internet access has the ability to...

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  • Engagement (692)
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  • Social (418)
  • Acquisition (390)
  • Direct Marketing | Print (362)
  • Engage & Convert (289)
  • Data Driven ROI (232)
  • Events (219)
  • Demand Gen (216)
  • Data & Analytics (204)
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  • Promotion (173)
  • CRM (115)
  • Experiential (106)
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  • Content Marketing (80)
  • Influencer Marketing (73)
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  • Database marketing (59)
  • Lead generation (46)
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  • Chief Marketer Staff (1235)
  • Kaylee Hultgren (301)
  • Tony Campana (247)
  • Patty Odell (212)
  • Beth Negus Viveiros (155)
  • Richard H. Levey (23)
  • Chief Marketer (23)
  • Brian Quinton (21)
  • Jasmine Brown (6)
  • Casey McClay (5)
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  • Posts (2217)
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