4473 results for: loyalty

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2012 PRO Award Finalist: Ryan Partnership for Unilever Food Solutions

|  by Brian Quinton

To engage more deeply with its retail-restaurant clients, Unilever Food Solutions and Ryan Partnership developed a web site and email newsletter program that treated deli and QSR owners like the foodservice pros they aspire to be. The SandwichPro.com site spotlighted client chefs, offered recipes and research, and produced a 4% increase in mayonnaise sales.

Ryan Partnership Knows the View from the Aisles

|  by Brian Quinton

In-store marketing has grown up into a more impactful, data-driven proposition: shopper marketing. And that means a greater involvement by promotional agencies in designing, activating and analyzing campaigns brands run inside retail outlets, says Karen Gebhart, senior vice president of Ryan Partnership, one of this year’s Top 10 in-store/shopper marketing specialist agencies.

CM Listline: Fashionistas on the Runway to Response

|  by Richard H. Levey

As the health-conscious consumer trend continues to grow, fashion followers continue to invest their time and money not only in how they feel, but also in how they look. These are not necessarily short-lived fad followers, but dedicated “fashion victims.” According to Wikipedia, with credit given to Oscar de la Renta, “a fashion victim is…

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  • Engagement (1238)
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  • Data Driven ROI (531)
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  • Loyalty Marketing (269)
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  • Promotion (765)
  • CRM (339)
  • Experiential (198)
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  • Sweepstakes (119)
  • Database marketing (87)
  • Data (74)
  • Content Marketing (45)
  • Search (41)
  • Loyalty Marketing (32)
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  • Chief Marketer Staff (2657)
  • Tony Campana (781)
  • Patty Odell (258)
  • Kaylee Hultgren (160)
  • Beth Negus Viveiros (105)
  • Richard H. Levey (31)
  • Brian Quinton (30)
  • Chief Marketer (25)
  • Tim Parry (12)
  • David Hurwitz (11)
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  • Posts (3468)
  • E-Letters (899)
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  • Special Reports (33)
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