Only 1% Say They Have Clicked on a Mobile Banner Ad

A recent study conducted by Forrester Research revealed that the mobile advertising market still has a ways to go before marketers can depend on it the way they have come to depend upon traditional Web marketing. For starters, just 1% of respondents said they had ever clicked on a banner advertisement while browsing the Web on their cell phones, dampening the optimistic perception that some have on click-through rates for the mobile realm.

This may have something to do with another finding from the study. A measly 7% of mobile user respondents said they trust ads on their cell phones.

Still, 83% of marketers are of the mind that mobile will become a more effective platform over the course of the next three years.

Forrester encourages marketers to examine the ways people are using their cell phones, noting that 42% use text messaging, almost 25% are sending and receiving picture messages, and 15% are using mobile e-mail.

It is also noted that only 23% of respondents said that they enjoyed accessing the Internet on their mobile devices, which obviously points to the need to optimize mobile sites, making sure that they load quicker and deliver key information, which may require leaving out some bits and pieces that are found on normal Web pages.
