LIST SOLICITATION: Calling All Churches…

Alongtime DIRECT reader and self-identified neo-pagan was amused to find the following new movers list solicitation in her e-mail box:

“Do you attend a church?

“If so, here’s a great way to help it find and attract new members. Tell your pastor or outreach director about it – print out this letter and hand it to him, if you like.

“Here’s how it works.

“Every month, as you may know, about one householder in sixty moves away, and someone else moves in. Peoples’ job changes, etc., cause them to relocate.


“Each month, we identify almost all the new residents in your church’s area, by name and address.

“We send them to you by e-mail so that you can extend them a welcome while they’re fresh – at the very time they’ll most appreciate a chance to make new friends.

“Isn’t that a great way to help your outreach?

“Your church would prepare a nice welcoming mailer, to tell the newcomer the good things he and his family can experience by worshipping with you. As soon as the month’s shipment of names is received, you’ll have your church’s PC print out letters and/or labels to get your mailer delivered to each.

“Of course, some newcomers to the area join your church anyway; otherwise, its membership would have shrunk as some members had to leave.

“But by approaching all new residents soon after they arrive – when most of their decisions are made – you’ll attract MORE of them than has previously been possible.

“Therefore, gradually, your church’s membership will grow.

“For more information, with a FREE estimate of how many [potential new church members] we can identify for you each month for each of your ZIP codes and with details of costs, etc., please complete the request form at”