Re: Loose Cannon: No Laughing Matter, Direct Newsline, Oct. 29, 2007:
Not to compound the lapse in judgment, but your comments this week certainly ignited a controversy. I’m with you 100% — common sense dictates that we don’t make light of a tragedy in our efforts to produce timely marketing messages. If you can’t see the difference between edgy and serious lack of compassion, you shouldn’t be writing copy.
What next, “funny” ads using the “n” word next time there’s yet another hate crime, or a “humorous” riff on school shootings?
Lauretta Harris
Write Communications Inc.
Scarsdale, NY
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The always-articulate Lois Geller reminded us yesterday that we all make mistakes. We can safely assume the Fasano folks were not being mean-spirited when they wrote their copy. But Lois points that that (unlike the people at Fasano) “nobody stays in the job long enough to care” about these kinds of mistakes. That does seem to be the case, with the myriad of headlines regarding all manner of bad behavior in pursuit of fame and/or fortune.
Lois also mentions her employers and role models. Each of us gets the chance to choose appropriate roles models, and I have been more than fortunate in having both mentors, roles models, and a personal Board of Advisors (with friends like Don Libey, Amy Africa and Ralph Drybrough, to mention but three) to help me, not God’s brightest child, along my stumbling path.
I am in accord with Ms Geller as she hopes the current crop of teachers and role models pass along good life lessons, but I am also hopeful that people just get tired of bad behavior in general.
Not that I have an opinion…
Mark Amtower
Highland, MD