[Re: Loose Cannon: Black and White and Re(a)d All Over, Direct Newsline, May 9, 2005]:
Loved your Pantone article.
Ain’t America’s business world great? We’ve built a culture where a color guru can make millions because they claim to have their finger on the pulse of color dependent people everywhere. The top ten colors are chosen. Manufacturers produce products and clothing in just those colors. Consumers forced to choose from only those colors do so.
And here’s where the real “magic” occurs. Marketers everywhere then look at each other and gasp in amazement, “Lo, the people bought the colors Pantone predicted.”
The only good that comes from this kind of “Lemming-ism” or “guru-ism” is that some brave soul will buck the trend and create the latest breakout product or color for a new year. And that’s what really makes America great — we still allow people to go their own way! (At least for now.)
Albert Saxon
Saxon Marketing
Indian Orchard, MA