Kohl’s, JCPenney Targets Teens with Back-to-School Campaigns

Weeks before the start of school, department store chains Kohl’s and JCPenney are out with teen-targeted back-to-school campaigns that play off music and movie themes to appeal to the young audience.

Kohl’s Department Stores is using its back-to-school effort to promote its “Inspired by the Artists…worn by you” campaign for denim apparel. The campaign links denim brands to music stars and other icons to their Kohl’s product lines.

For instance, rocker Avril Lavigne has her “Abbey Dawn” line, while skateboard enthusiast has a line of Kohl’s apparel. The collection, available for the back-to-school season in the juniors’ and young men’s departments, includes graphic T-shirts, denim bottoms, woven tops, necklaces and bracelets.

The campaign primarily targets teens and moms, but also appeals to college students.

“The Kohl’s 2008 back-to-school campaign is unique because it’s cross generational and designed to appeal to consumers of different age groups,” Julie Gardner, executive vice president and chief marketing officer for Kohl’s Department Stores, said. “Each collection provides affordable wardrobe solutions that celebrate the versatility of denim and its ability to define style with every new generation.”

In-store, Kohl’s is decking out its juniors’ department with wall graphics and displays.
Select store entrances will also be transformed into a concert-like experience with signage, and artist music will be played throughout the store. The chain has also launched denim-inspired gift cards. Kohl’s is also using the new song “Love Revolution” by artist Lenny Kravitz in its campaign.

Print ads featuring Lavigne will run in the September issues of Cosmo Girl and Seventeen. Each will also promote an online contest through Facebook. The contest, which begins July 17, features video footage from musical artists telling personal stories involving denim. Customers can upload their own fashion or denim-centric memoir to Facebook for a chance to win the grand prize: $10,000, concert tickets, $1,000 Kohl’s gift card and artist-autographed merchandise. A link to the contest will be available Kohl’s back-to-school microsite at http://www.kohls.com/inspire.

In addition to the contest link, the microsite includes a section for visitors to view images, merchandise information, biographies and links to buy products.

TV spots are also part of the marketing mix. It features 30- and 60-second spots starting later this month on shows like ABC’s “Ugly Betty” and CW’s “One Tree Hill.” The campaign is also being supported with digital media, direct mail and PR.

Meanwhile, JCPenney is kicking off its back-to-school effort with online games, text messaging components and TV spots. The initiative, which kicks off July 18, plays up the retailer’s lifestyle brands building off a theme of 1980s movie “The Breakfast Club.”

Print ads draw from the movie’s storyline and feature a group of teens representing a different high school clique wearing JCPenney clothing. A 60-second spot will air during previews for PG and PG-13 movies in cinemas nationwide and at http://www.jcp.com/getthatlook. TV spots will air starting July 20 during teen-targeted programming.

Also on the Web site, JCPenney is also reaching teens via an interactive “pick your own adventure game” that lets users choose from four different teen lifestyle characters. Players can pick different outfits for their characters to determine the storyline.

Outfits selected by players can also be added to a virtual locker, which acts as a shopping cart linking people to http://www.JCP.com where they can buy the items. Users can also opt to receive text messages to their mobile phones that offer fashion ideas and highlight upcoming sales and special store offers.

JCPenney is also incorporating its campaign into sponsorships of “Premio Juventud,” an Hispanic music awards show, which airs at 8 p.m. ET July 17, and of the 2008 “Teen Choice Awards” at 8 p.m. ET Aug. 4.

The company is running an online contest tied to each awards show, offering the chance to win a role as a trophy presenter. Winners will be selected based on their music video creations at http://www.rockyourlook.com. The contest runs through July 20.

Saatchi & Saatchi New York created the campaign; ePrize handles the contest administration.

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