Kids Footlocker Lures Consumers with DVD Incentives

Kids Footlocker is dangling a gift with purchase to boost awareness of the Viewtiful Joe animated series and drive in-store purchases.

Under the promotion, 327 Kids Footlocker stores nationwide are teaming up with Geneon Entertainment to distribute Viewtiful Joe DVDs for in-store purchases of $75 or more. Geneon Entertainment, a Long Beach, CA-based entertainment software producer and distributor, will distribute nearly 30,000 DVDs of episodes one and two available as part of the promotion.

The promotion, which kicked off yesterday, runs through Feb. 28.

In addition, Kids Footlocker is offering a $10 coupon off a $50 store purchase on Viewtiful Joe volume one DVDs, which launched Tuesday, and volume two, which rolls out in April, said Jason Alnas, marketing manager for Geneon Entertainment. The DVDs will sell for $19.98. On-pack stickers on will promote; coupons are valid through Aug. 1.

“Due to the dynamic nature of Viewtiful Joe, Kids Footlocker was a natural choice as a promotional partner,” Alnas said. “The show embodies the active nature of our target demographic and was a perfect match for Geneon and Kids Footlocker.”

Kids WB will support the promotion with a dedicated mini site on

Based on the Capcom’s popular video game franchise, Viewtiful Joe is an animated series about an average Joe who has two loves in his lifehis girlfriend, Silvia, and action-movie superhero Captain Blue. When a celluloid monster magically captures Silvia in a movie, Joe gets himself swallowed into the screen to save his love. Captain Blue, who is on the verge of retiring, bestows his superpowers on Joe, transforming him into Viewtiful Joe, to save his damsel in distress.

The series, which combines Japanese and American comic-style designs, airs Saturday mornings on Kids WB.

Online materials, in-store signage, P-O-P and TV and radio spots support. MBC Promotions, Pasadena, CA handles.

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