Enhance Your Holiday Sales with Mobile Commerce Strategies

As consumers go over the river and through the woods this holiday season they may be shopping along the way via their smartphone. There are more than 50 million smartphones in the United Sates, and according to the National Retail Federation one in four will use the device to research or make a holiday purchase. This does not even include other mobile devices such as the iPad.

Adding mobile commerce to your online sales strategy is an easy way to increase the reach of an online store and increase sales; after all, your mobile commerce strategy encompasses your email marketing promotions. Your email marketing service should provide easy-to-use options that make your campaigns mobile friendly. (Hint: If you use graphic-rich HTML in your emails, they already are mobile friendly.) Your email marketing service should also provide good analytics that include the ability to track open rates and engagement activity for each recipient.

Below are a few tips to help you drive in mobile business this holiday:

* Give them a gift that fits. Make sure that your email marketing promotion allows users to view the message in an easy-to-read format. A good service provider will include a default link at the top of each email campaign that gives subscribers the option to view the email as a Web page. Using a single column layout helps make content easily readable in the small real estate available on mobile phone screens.

* Keep the merrymaking effortless. Make it simple for mobile users to view your images. Make sure graphics are small