Domestic Teleservice Provider Use Jumps: ATA

The largest firms that outsource teleservices are increasingly using U.S.-based firms, according to a new poll from the American Teleservices Association (ATA).

According to the poll, which was sponsored by the ATA and domestic teleservices provider DialAmerica, In the survey, 44% only use domestic teleservices vendors, a jump from 28% a year earlier.

The percentage indicating they use a combination of domestic and international teleservices vendors dropped from 71% in 2008 to 48% this year.

Overall satisfaction with teleservices providers rose year over year. While in 2008 only 18% of clients reported being “very satisfied” with their most recent teleservices relationship, this year 25% gave this ranking. When those who were either “very satisfied” or “somewhat satisfied” were combined, the 83% from last year rose t0 92%.

Satisfaction with off-shore vendors rose more modestly. “Very satisfied” respondents increased from 6% to 12% from 2008 to 2009, while “somewhat satisfied” respondents increased from 53% to 59%.

And clients are standing by their vendors. Only 24% said they were “very likely” to change, compared with 32% last year.

Among the survey’s other findings:

52% plan to increase their teleservices program budgets next year

40% expect to maintain their teleservices expenditures next year.

Among those planning a budget increase, 43% say it will be in the 10%-20%t range, while 29% say their increase will be in the 20%-30% range.

The survey was fielded in September among 27 major U.S. companies that outsource more $300 million in customer acquisition and customer care functions.