Consumer Marketing

World Wide Wisdom

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Do you want to compete effectively on the Internet's expanding $100 billion economy? Do you know what makes a Web business model profitable? Can you harness

Busytown Goes Mobile

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

HOLLYWOOD Busytown's cast of characters have hit the road to open a 20-city interactive tour that is set to land at malls throughout the East and Midwest.This

Picking a Winner

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Winning may not be everything, but trying to win sure is an undeniable force. Everybody loves a winner, because everybody loves to win. That's what keeps

Agencies: Who’s News

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Premium Big Snaps Up Top Boutique Aligning one of the hottest promotion agencies with one of the fastest-growing firms in specialty and premium product

Crazy Like a Fox?

Last year News Corp., owner of the Fox Network, and Saban joined to pay $1.9 billion to buy the Family Channel cable station from Pat Robertson's International


This CD-ROM Is a Cherry . . . Coke Some technology-infused promotional options deliver high-perceived-value to consumers at low-ball costs to marketers.

Promoting Responsibly Within the Law

Promotion marketing is under siege. Government officials and consumers alike have begun to take a hard look at the way that businesses employ sweepstakes,

I Scream You Scream

It's not often you get your best idea for a campaign before you've even pitched the account, but that's what happened when HB Ice Cream asked Creative