Consumer Marketing

Making History

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Amazingly, 1998 was a major milestone for two driving forces: it was NAS-CAR's 50th anniversary and Goodyear's 100th anniversary. With all the hoopla

Road Calls

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

To encourage AT&T customers to take advantage of the company's Local Toll Service plan (for in-state long distance), AT&T launched a direct-mail campaign

Pokemon Phenomenon

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Kentucky Fried Chicken, Louisville, KY, will outfit its 5,000 stores with a fourth-quarter premium and sampling campaign tied to characters from what's

Finding the Prize

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Finding a premium wasn't such a big deal 10 years ago. You handed your parameters to the manufacturers' premium sourcing departments, they knew how to

New Products

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

That's a Wrap CapBanners can transform a cap simply by applying a banner across the front of an existing cap. The banners from Sales Ahead!, Irvine, CA,

Agencies: Who’s News

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Global Branding Omnicom agency TLP has formed TLPlanet, branding a new global agency network for handling its world business. TLPlanet's backbone are

Mag Sweeps Settlement

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

American Family Publishers, Jersey City, NJ, and New York State Attorney General Dennis C. Vacco concluded an $800,000 settlement that will compensate


|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Pura Milk Wiggles: Its Way to the Breakfast Table SYDNEY - National Foods has found a way to get kids to drink their milk with a program that harnesses