Direct Mail Assets Boost Revenue for Mod-Pac

Mod-Pac Corp., an on-demand print services firm, generated $10.9 million in revenue for its most recent second quarter, virtually the same amount it generated a year ago in second quarter 2007. However, this year’s results include some of the assets of DDM-Digital Imaging, Data Processing and Mailings Services, which it acquired in May.

The company’s net loss increased to $1.3 million from $1 million a year ago. The quarter ended June 30.

During the most recent second quarter, Mod-Pac had a 7% decline in its custom folding carton sales. But this was offset by an increase commercial print services sales. Of that, roughly one-third was generated by customers that came Mod-Pac’s way as a result of its acquisition.

The purchase also expanded direct mail markets served by Mod-Pac to include mailings for class action lawsuits, political campaigns and a wider swath of nonprofit organizations.