Digital + Social
E360: ChoicePoint Got Us Sued, So Now We’re Suing
Dave Linhardt, chief executive of defunct e-mail marketing firm e360Insight, is suing ChoicePoint, claiming the compiled data provider sold him e-mail addresses of people who had not opted to receive ads from third parties resulting in multiple lawsuits
Yun-Hui Chong Joins Experian CheetahMail As VP of Strategic Services
Experian CheetahMail has named Yun-Hui Chong VP of strategic services.
Obama’s FTC Spells Trouble with a Capital T
All evidence indicates that President Barack Obama
Designing for Destruction: Some E-mail Creative Basics
Is there a direct-marketing channel that is crueler to graphic designers than e-mail? It’s the only medium that forces marketers to create messages with the understanding that their design will be mangled beyond recognition when it hits most recipients’ inboxes
Top Five Mistakes from Emailvision
Emailvision has compiled a list of what it claims are the top five e-mail marketing mistakes based on its observations of its 1700 clients
E-mail Population is Aging: Survey
A recent Pew serveysays 74% of all Web users overage 64 user e-mail. It is the most popular online activity for this group.
E-mail Marketing Becomes More Customer Oriented
E-mail marketing is becomng more customer oriented, with sophisticated trigger-based approaches. Let’s review past and present e-mail strategies.
Bad E-mail Can Hurt Business: Merkle
Nearly a third of respondents or 32% to a recently released survey said they have stopped doing business with at least one company altogether as a result of its poor e-mail practices, according to marketing services provider Merkle.
Stupid Marketer Watch: Why They Hate You
If anyone wonders why so many people hate direct marketers, look no further than companies like