Digital + Social
(Radio-)Active Links
If you want a longer-lasting link, get it on video. Shared links from YouTube have a mean half life of 7.4 hours, compared to 2.8 hours for links shared on Twitter
Editor’s Note: Come Out of Your Shell
BY NOW WE’RE ALL USED TO AND EXPECT transparency from online marketers. If your business has any kind of online presence, you’re being commented on, blogged
Email Volume Up in Q2: Epsilon Report
Average email volume was up 16.2 in the second quarter of 2011 compared to the first quarter, according to the latest quarterly Email Trends and Benchmark Results report from
Epsilon and the DMA’s Email Experience Council. -
Whole Foods/LivingSocial Deal May Make Money, But Misses The Mark
The Whole Foods/LivingSocial deal, under which one million consumers purchased $20 grocery coupons for $10, is already a win for Whole Foods. The high-end supermarket chain has received a wealth of media mentions as a result of the deal, a phenomenon …
Email Social Sharing Link Adoption Slowing Down
Use of share-within-your-network (SWYN) social links is declining slightly in online retailers’ email messaging, according to a new report from Responsys.
5 Ways Flickr Serves as a Promotion Marketer’s Best Friend
Marketers often overlook Flickr as a pivotal resource in the social media space, when in reality the photo-sharing platform is a valuable resource to access millions of consumer viewpoints from all across the globe. . Flickr currently has 40 million active users, hosts 6 billion images, and has increased user uploads 20% year-over-year for the past five years.
It can be a marketer’s dream as long as you know the five points of value that it can deliver. -
Poster Revolution Makes Back to School Push
New dorm rooms to decorate means busy times—and a heavy email promotional push—for Poster Revolution.
Triggered Email Messaging in Five Easy Steps
Here are five steps to getting triggered email marketing right.
Finding the Comfort Zone
Brands at the Bazaarvoice social commerce summit in Austin this spring spoke of using online customer reviews in myriad ways, but they all agreed on one thing
Cracking the Inbox
How do you get your messages into the inbox and not the spam folder? Chief Marketer talked with several industry pros to get their thoughts on email deliverability