Emails We Love: Hail to the Chief

How'd you celebrate Presidents’ Day? Why, probably in the way our forefathers intended: Shopping!

Since kids love historical figures as much as they do tween pop stars, Build-A-Bear's "Stuff Fur Stuff Club: Presidential savings inside + FREE Victoria Justice shout-out!" subject line made perfect sense.

Mind you, I'm not sure what a "Victoria Justice shout-out" actually is, nor why I'd need one. But hey, free is free. Further down in the email, a savings code for 20% off a $40 or more purchase is offered. Personally, I think they missed an opportunity here to brand a few of their cubs "Barack and Michelle Obearma."

Once you get past a standard and to the point "Presidents' Day SALE! Up to 40% OFF & FREE Shipping!" subject line, you find a pretty clever little promotion. The Birthday Collection is discounted in honor of the former presidents’ birthdays. Hey, it's a lot more catchy than "hey, we're marked down all the chocolate we didn't move last week for Valentine's Day!"

But perhaps the best email I received this Presidents’ Day was, appropriately, from the President himself (or at least his reelection campaign).

Skipping ahead a holiday to St. Patrick's Day, the campaign offered "O'Bama" t-shirts, celebrating both Barack Obama's Irish ancestry:

"You might recall that back in 2007, as he was on the campaign trail, the President found out about his Irish ancestry. Last year, he traveled with the First Lady to pay a visit to Moneygall, the town of 300 people where his great-great-great-grandfather was born, and jokingly told a crowd there: "My name is Barack Obama, of the Moneygall Obamas, and I've come home to find the apostrophe we lost somewhere along the way."

We found that apostrophe — and put it on this shirt."

Did any Presidents’ Day emails get your vote? Let me know at [email protected] (put Email Watch in the subject line). We'll round up the best Valentines and Presidents’ Day emails in a blog post next week.