Digital + Social
5 Ways to Improve Social Listening
Are you social listening? There are so many lost opportunities when you aren’t alerted or you don’t respond when your brand is mentioned—good or bad.
3 Reasons You Can’t Measure Social Marketing ROI
“Social media ROI” is a fallacy doomed by our inherent need to quantify everything around us—even human behavior, conceptions, and goodwill.
A List of 22 Social Media Management Tools
This list of social media management tools likely includes some you’ve heard of—Sprout and Social Talk—and some you haven’t—MediaFunnel and Sprinklr.
5 Things CMOs Should Think About Before Committing to Social Media Management Tools
There’s a lot of social media management tools out there and it takes time to pour through which might work best for you. This article can help.
10 Ways to Reach Younger Audiences with Social Media
Here’s 10 tips that mature brands can rely on to create and uphold a strong social media presence to keep customers engaged.
Infographic: 5 Social Media Marketing Predictions for 2014
nds and marketing technologies will drive innovation in social media marketing this year.
Who, Across the Globe, is Using Instagram? Infographic
This infographic tells the global story of who uses Instagram to help marketers make the best use of the social media platform.
Treating B2B Social Like an Online Trade Show
Think back to the last trade show you attended. You were communicating just by being there. Social is the same concept.
Creating B2B Engagement on LinkedIn With Video
Here are three ideas for using video to turn your LinkedIn page into an engaging social destination for your audience.
Data & Analytics
B2B Marketing Trends in 2014
Seven key factors will propel B2B marketing change in 2014, including increased digital testing, access to better data and the emergence of video.