BART Tests Fare/Meal Mobile Deal
Hungry public transit riders in San Francisco may soon get help getting to their next fast food fix. The Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system ran a four-month
Mobile A Sweet Deal for Axe
Chocoholics Know their Craving can Hit Anytime, anywhere, at home or away. That’s why Axe made sure to launch its choco-themed Dark Temptation body spray
A Method to Improve March Madness
Today’s economy means many brands are looking to leave the big-dollar March Madness broadcast buys in the past, in favor of more accountable media
Inflection Point Media Launches B-to-B Internet Ad Network
Inflection Point Media (IPM) has launched an Internet advertising network that targets small and medium size businesses, using online search and directory profile data. The network reaches 32 million monthly Web site visitors.
Zane Rathwick Rejoins Autobytel’s IT Department
Autobytel Inc. has named Zane Rathwick VP of development for IT. Rathwick returns to Autobytel from successful tenures at and Kelley Blue Book where the programs he developed resulted in significant traffic increases.
24/7 Real Media Expands Search Marketing Reach in Japan
A new search engine marketing services company, Dentsu Search & Link has been formed in Japan by New York-based 24/7 Real Media Inc. and Cyber Communications Inc. (CCI) of Toyko.
Small Businesses Slow To Embrace Search: Study
If search engine marketing is the wave of the future, someone better tell small companies the surf
Beyond the Browser: Designing for the Ambient Technology Revolution
When you stop to think about it, we’ve been designing for the same PC user interface for nearly 25 years. But as the Web—and portable digital devices—continue to evolve, its pretty safe to say the next 25 years won’t look like the last
Expanding the Reach, Not the Labor, of Online Ads
In the ongoing effort to achieve relevance in online advertising, marketers increasingly use combinations of ad exchanges and networks to gain the most efficient and successful audience targeting and reach. But which model—cost-per-click or cost-per-thousand—makes for the best value-added service?