

  • Introducing the Web Call Center

    Then the call center at IDT Corp. gets swamped, the Hackensack, NJ telecom company turns to Communications Service Center, a Margate, FL service bureau

  • Relationship Marketing and the New DM

    This December McGraw-Hill will publish the third edition of David Shepard Associates’ “The New Direct Marketing.” Over the next few issues we’ll offer

  • Hollywood Holds the Line

    Marketers spent an estimated $5.14 billion on promotional licenses in 1997, a 3 percent increase driven mostly by film tie-ins. At the same time, consumer

  • Consumer DM Soars

    Strong results on Main Street are translating into market-beating returns on Wall Street for consumer direct marketing companies.Over the 12 months ended

  • Polk Appeals

    L. Polk & Co., Detroit, has appealed to the Illinois Supreme Court a decision that allows that state to withhold the sale of motor vehicle lists. On April

  • Abacus Report: Catalogs Were on a Roll in ’97

    Eleven out of 13 catalog categories experienced holiday season growth in 1997, with five segments having at least a 13% increase in dollar spending, according

  • Pilot Light

    For many utilities, it doesn’t matter whether they consider themselves the dog, the hat or the race car: The monopoly game will soon be over.As they accept

  • Troubles Not Over for AFP

    American Family Publishers Inc. must have thought it was out of the woods. In March, it settled lawsuits by 31 states and the District of Columbia by


    Experts agree: It’s difficult to generalize about how publicly traded consumer catalogs are doing on Wall Street. For one thing, direct marketing companies