Forget that we just celebrated Independence Day. For some people, it’s never too early to start buying Christmas presents. With that in mind, Old World Christmas-a manufacturer of ornaments for Christmas and other holidays-suggests that newlyweds might appreciate, yes, holiday tree ornaments.
It seems that in Germany-where, Old World Christmas maintains, all our Christmas traditions began-newlyweds display 12 ornaments on their tree to ensure happiness in their life together: for example, a fruit basket for generosity; a rabbit for hope or faith; and a heart for true love.
While it might not equal the gifts of “The 12 Days of Christmas” (or even what your true love gave to you), the boxed set of ornaments is doing well, according to Dolores Merck, a semiretired sales rep for the Spokane, WA-based company as well as mother of its founder, Tim Merck.
Old World Christmas’ products are offered by such catalogers as Touchstone, Hearst Direct and L.L. Bean and also sold direct to consumers.
And, of course, the gift is practical. A set of 12 ornaments is easily divisible in case of divorce.