One Nation, Under Blog

Posted on by Beth Negus Viveiros

A few months back, I ranted about how some news outlets (hi CNN!) were falling all over themselves inappropriately relying on online social networking tools to fill television airtime. (Check out the Mitchell & Webb clip in that link for an all too true example.)

Today, I’m happy to report that I’ve found a great example of a TV station doing it right in my own back yard.

WBZ Boston has taken to the blogosphere with Conversation Nation, a potpourri of content relating to anything and everything Massachusetts-centric and beyond.

The blog is robust and frequently updated, and better yet, the newscasters of WBZ do a great job of integrating the content into their broadcasts, and adding something new to it, rather than just betting people to e-mail or Twitter in their thoughts.

So WBZ, a tip of the New England blogging cap to you. Nicely done.

(Of course, I wish my 3 year old would let me sleep later, so I wouldn’t be awake to listen to all your wonderful blog/TV synergy at 5:30 a.m. But that’s a rant for another day.)


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