Burger King is running its fourth annual “BK B-Ball Battle” offering a $20,000 cash prize for the team that wins the three-on-three national tournament.
The 13-city tourney, which started this month in New Orleans, is open to U.S. residents 18 or older. Official rules and entry instructions are available online.
The winning teams from each city on the tour receive $1,000 and a free trip to Miami to compete head-to-head for the “BK B-Ball Crown” and the $20,000 prize that goes with it. The finals will take place in Miami on May 17.
The tourney holds competitions in Houston, Memphis, TN, Birmingham, Al, Atlanta, Charlotte, Raleigh, N.C., Detroit, Chicago, New York, Washington, D.C. and Baltimore on the road to the finals.
“We are proud to continue satisfying our guests – and fervent basketball fans – with these interactive and entertaining events that promote healthy activity,” Alexandra Galindez, Burger King’s director, multi-cultural marketing, said in a statement.