Big Spending On Marketing Tech Acquisitions

There have been almost $6.2 billion in marketing tech acquisition deals in just the last three months, including $768.3 million in new funding for early-, middle-, and late-stage start-ups.

This Venture Beat report covers the most recent acquisitions in the red-hot marketing tech space, highlighting the fact that here iStock_000029459090Smallwere 52 funding, IPO, and acquisition events in marketing tech over those three months. Tibco was bought by Vista Equity Partners for $4.3 billion, while ther notables include marketing automation system InfusionSoft, which added $55 million in funding in October; BigCommerce, which took in $50 million in a new funding round in November; and Hootsuite, which added $95 million in September.

Click here for the full story and additional details on marketing tech acquisitions moving forward.