Chief Marketer Staff
4 Questions for Creating Great Marketing Content
The recipe for great marketing content isn’t as easy as just adding butter. There are some basic steps to ensure you aren’t losing your way.
Facebook Popular Source of Local Information: Research
It’s clear that for businesses to integrate authentically on social, they need to focus on local—and, as a result, social is becoming a resource for local information.
How to Increase Landing Page Conversion Rates With 12 Tests
There are tangible and simple ways to boost your landing page conversion rates and lower your cost per acquisition. Here are 12 ways.
The Best Marketing and Advertising Jobs of 2013
Job search portal just released its new report on the 8 best marketing and advertising jobs.
Attention, Shoppers: Store Is Tracking Your Cell
Retailers are gathering data about in-store shoppers’ behavior and moods, using video surveillance and signals from their cellphones and apps.
Chief Marketer Listline July 12
Lists featured this week include Humane Society International – Canada and Asia Cloud Forum.
Global Mobile Advertising Hit $8.9 Billion in 2012
Global mobile advertising revenue reached $8.9 billion in 2012, up 82.8% from the $5.3 billion in 2011, a new study has found.
Sweet Tweets: Social Media Pave Way for Twinkies’ Return
Hostess is whetting consumers’ appetites for the return of some of its most well-known treats with a broad campaign that includes a big push in social media.
Promotions Celebrate Those Willing to Just Get Up and Go
Impulsiveness is highly valued by marketers and separate stunts this week by Heineken and Hilton Worldwide rewarded consumers for spontaneity with far-flung trips.
Restaurants Turn to Mobile Loyalty Rewards Apps to Lure Customers
Restaurant operators are increasingly supplementing their old loyalty-card programs with mobile loyalty rewards apps to keep eaters coming back in a soft economy.