Chief Marketer Staff
20 Ways to Prove ROI at Events
This author offers 20 ideas—taken in sum—for determining the ROI of events in addition to revenue.
Will Card-Linked Marketing Replace Existing Types?
Seventy-five percent of marketers like card-linked marketing and say that it could even replace staples like email, coupons and newspaper and TV ads.
7 Goals to Amplify Text Messages
Mogreet has put together 7 tips for amplifying text messages like be helpful when using location data..
2014 Marketing Trends Off the Radar
Ten marketing trends for 2014 you may not be thinking about but could help change up your marketing game.
Infographic: 5 Social Media Marketing Predictions for 2014
nds and marketing technologies will drive innovation in social media marketing this year.
National Geographic Showcases “Brain Games”
A fun illusions gallery set up in Grand Central Terminal helped the National Geographic Channel promote its latest series of “Brain Games.”
Who, Across the Globe, is Using Instagram? Infographic
This infographic tells the global story of who uses Instagram to help marketers make the best use of the social media platform.
“American Idol” Loses AT&T as Sponsor
AT&T will no longer be a major sponsor of the once top-rated singing show “American Idol.”
How CMOs Must Restructure for 2014
The CMO needs to take the reins in reorganization his or her marketing department to be successful in 2014.
At Events, the Trend is Mobile: 5 Tips
How can brand marketers stay ahead of the curve when it comes to the mobile event craze? Here are five helpful tips to consider: