
  • How to Generate B2C Leads During the Holiday Season

    The holiday season can be a boon for B2C companies, but they can’t expect to just sit back and wait for sales and leads to fall into their laps like gifts from the North Pole. Preparation and understanding the nuances of the season and how consumers behave during these months are essential when it comes […]

  • Mobile-Friendly Sites Convert Users Into Customers Better Than Mobile-Unfriendly Sites

    According to a study from Google, mobile-friendly sites convert users into customers much better than mobile-unfriendly sites do. The study found that 61 percent of people said that if they don’t find what they’re looking for right away on a mobile site, they’ll quickly move on to another site. Meanwhile, 67 percent of users say […]

  • Less Than 1% of Online Purchases Influenced by Social Media

    A study from Forrester analyzed 77,000 online transactions that took place April 1-14. It found that less than 1 percent of these online purchases were influenced by social networks like Facebook or Pinterest, compelling Forrester to encourage e-commerce businesses to focus more of their efforts on traditional online marketing tactics like search and email. The […]

  • Myspace and StumbleUpon Get New Looks

    Remember Myspace? You’re forgiven if you don’t, since the last time it was relevant was around President Obama’s victory in the 2008 election. Well, maybe, just maybe, it’s time to start paying attention again. With Justin Timberlake as the face of the new ownership team, Myspace is giving the world a glimpse at its redesign […]

  • Infographic: 82% of Users Who Like Brands Say Facebook Is a Good Place to Interact

    Lab42, a market research company, surveyed 1,000 social media users to gauge their thoughts on their thoughts on liking a brand on Facebook. Among the key findings are: 87 percent of users like brands on Facebook 82 percent of those who like brands on Facebook say it’s a good place to interact with brands, with […]

  • Facebook’s Shares Are Worth $15, Company Faced With Mobile Troubles

    Facebook’s shares have plunged to about 45 percent from its IPO price of $38 in May, so many investors are wondering whether or not the stock should be bought. Barron’s says “no.” So what is the worth of Facebook’s shares? “Perhaps only $15,” according to Barron’s. The social network appears to have been surprised at […]

  • Groupon Is Losing Lots of Key Talent

    The days of Groupon being a once-in-a-lifetime company for its executives and salespeople are long gone. Less than four years after it began, Groupon is now a public company whose stock has bled 75 percent of its value since its IPO less than

  • Lead Generation in These Social Times

    The formula for generating leads was simple 10 years ago: drive traffic to your site, get people to fill out a form, then follow up via sales reps or email marketing. The social revolution has opened up another door for small businesses who might not have the clout to bid against sophisticated players for keywords. […]

  • Facebook Will Be Disrupted by a Mobile-First Startup, According to 66% of Mobile Developers

    A report from Appcelerator surveyed 5,526 mobile developers and found that 66 percent of them think it is “likely to very likely” that Facebook will be disrupted by a mobile-first social media startup. Appcelerator tells enterprises to pay attention. “Mobile has the power to reshape entire industries, and these changes can be swift,” according to […]

  • How to Improve Email Marketing Results With 25 Experiments

    What does it take to craft the perfect email? Though that question is pretty much impossible to answer, since everyone has different audiences and circumstances, there are certainly tests and experiments to help you find out what works best. This post explains 25 such experiments in the categories of: email layout and design, email timing […]