
  • Facebook Ads: Men Cheaper to Target

    In their latest Social Media Insights report, Men Are Cheap: Efficient Gender Targeting with Facebook Ads,

  • How to Run a Profitable Daily Deal

    It’s almost a clich

  • Digital Marketing Stats This Week

    Econsultancy rounded up digital marketing stats from this week. Here’s a glimpse at the stats: The top performing financial brand on social media is CompareTheMarket Tablets and smarphones are driving up impulse buying Microsoft is ahead of Google in email 1/4 of UK consumers have made a purchase using mobile Women less receptive to Facebook […]

  • Do Search Engines Want Twitter in Search Results?

    According to Search Engine Land, Twitter is opening up its search results and preventing bots from crawling the results for users, videos and images. From an SEO perspective, the domain authority Twitter has should be enough to rank well regarding certain instances- like garnering large amounts of rankings from hashtags during big events. But, search […]

  • Best Practices in Lead Nurturing

    When you start dating someone, it’s unlikely that they’ll fall head over heels for you right away. Instead, it takes time to get the other person to warm up to you, and this happens through going on dates, sharing kind and honest words, and experiencing meaningful moments together. The process of lead nurturing is quite […]

  • Marketing Athletes Maintain Healthy Habits

    According to Optify’s “2012 Marketing Athlete Survey Report” marketers benefit from following a healthy habit regimen to meet lead generation goals and boost their company’s growth. The study surveyed B2B marketers, finding that most marketing athletes do not plan to outsource tactics such as social media (79 percent), email marketing (76 percent) and lead generation […]

  • How to Improve Your Use of Email for Lead Generation

    Email isn’t getting as much buzz as social media is these days, but the tried-and-true marketing channel is still a great way to get a message out to a large group of people. When it comes to lead generation, email is a tool that requires preparation, testing and discernment in order to get the best […]

  • NimbleCommerce Launches Daily Deals Network

    Startup NimbleCommerce has launched NimbleNetwork, a product that offers media companies a place to share their daily deals. “Together (the media companies) are a lot stronger than they are individually, and together more market share will slide toward them and away from the Groupons of the world,” said Kevin Wray, senior vice president of sales […]

  • Infographic: The Ecosystem of Lifecycle Marketing

    Right On Interactive, a marketing automation company, takes us into the depths of the ecosystem of lifecycle marketing with the infographic below. Among the enlightening numbers (pulled from various sources) are: 47 percent of B2B marketers close less than 4 percent of marketing-generated leads 38 percent of leads move from an initial inquiry to a […]

  • Google Maps Now Has Underwater Panoramas

    Apple Maps have some catching up to do. Google has unveiled the addition of underwater images to Google Maps – with a Street View feature.