
  • Is Doing Great With Facebook, But What About Pinterest? has been getting a lot of attention lately, and rightfully so. In just two years, the company has drawn 9 million members in its community and has projected sales of $150 million this year. According to Compete, has seen its audience of unique visitors grow by 928 percent in the past year. However, […]

  • How Marketers Can Be Productive as They Streamline Content Marketing

    Content remains king, but content marketing can be a daunting process. “You can’t copy it from someone else. It can’t be written by a copywriter who doesn’t understand the subject matter. You actually have to sit down, exercise your brain cells and produce something original.” The challenging nature of content marketing can lead to procrastination. […]

  • Waze Introduces Location-Guided Ads for Local Merchants and Big Brands

    Waze, the community-based traffic and navigation app that got a boost after a mention in Apple CEO Tim Cook’s Apple Maps apology letter, is taking a big step toward monetization today with its announcement of a location-guided advertising platform called Waze Ads. This platform offers businesses the opportunity to pay for a branded pin on […]

  • How Marketers Should Utilize Instagram’s Profile Pages

    Instagram announced the addition of Web-based profile pages for users, a sign that the mobile app has truly outgrown the small screen. Brands should see this as an opportunity. The Web profiles will be kept simple to help users and brands display their content in an organized, visually appealing way. “In essence, the move helps […]

  • Yahoo Asks Judge to Dismiss Lawsuit Regarding Email Scanning to Send Ads to Users

    Yahoo is defending its right to record and monitor emails on its servers. The company is asking a federal judge to dismiss a lawsuit alleging that Yahoo is violating a California law by scanning emails so it can deliver ads to users. Yahoo is arguing that the federal Electronic Communications Privacy Act trumps California’s Invasion […]

  • The Formula for Success on Facebook That Marketers Need to Know

    When Facebook engineers shared Facebook’s EdgeRank formula at the f8 conference back in April 2010, many marketers misinterpreted it as a set of directions for how a brand can attain success on Facebook. Rather, EdgeRank is Facebook’s own equation

  • BIA/Kelsey: 55% of SMBs Use or Plan to Use Customer Loyalty Programs

    In its latest Local Commerce Monitor tracking survey, BIA/Kelsey found that more than half of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) currently utilize or plan to utilize customer loyalty programs. The survey also found that less than 15 percent of SMBs say they have a mobile website. According to Wave 16 (Q3 2012) of the Local […]

  • Appreciate Everything in Work and Life

    By Peter Klein, senior vice president of media services at MediaWhiz

    I typically write about performance marketing, but in the wake of being harshly affected by Hurricane Sandy, as so many others up and down the East Coast have been, I am going to write about appreciation. As I write, my family and I are on day eight of life on Long Island with no electricity, no heat, no TV and, worst of all, no Internet access! This situation has helped put into perspective what I take for granted as part of my daily life.

  • Less Than Half of B2B Marketers Have Lead-Nurturing Processes in Place

    A new BtoB study, “2012 Lead Generation: A Fundamental Flourishes in the Digital Era,” finds that while 74 percent of B2B marketers are at least somewhat involved in some form of lead generation, only 49 percent of them have a lead-nurturing process in place to support their lead-generation efforts. The study also found that 67 […]

  • LivingSocial Pays $3 Million in Attorneys’ Fees and Expenses in Class-Action Settlement

    LivingSocial agreed to pay out $4.5 million in a class-action settlement last month to reimburse some customers for expired deals. As part of the settlement, LivingSocial is paying $3 million in attorneys’ fees and expenses to the law firms that represented the plaintiffs in the settlement. This whole ordeal stems from President Obama’s signing of […]