
  • Infographic: What Is Inbound Marketing?

    The Whole Brain Group, an online marketing firm based in Ann Arbor, Mich., created an infographic to explain, in simple terms, what inbound marketing is and how it differs from traditional marketing. “Traditional techniques such as advertisements, billboards, and cold calling can be costly and often ineffective, and they don’t always reach the people who […]

  • Pinterest Offers New Accounts, Terms and Resources for Businesses

    Pinterest is drawing a clear line between businesses and people with its introduction of business accounts, which will enable businesses to officially link to their websites on their Pinterest profiles. Verification badges will help users identify these official accounts. Businesses can also integrate the “Pin It” button, “Follow” button, profile widget or board widget on […]

  • Real-Time Bidding: 19% of All Digital Display Ad Spend in 2013

    According to estimates from eMarketer, real-time bidding (RTB) digital display ad spending will account for 13 percent of total digital display ad spending this year, or $1.9 billion, up 149 percent from the spend last year. RTB is expected to account for 19 percent of total display ad spend next year, and will account for […]

  • Facebook Launches ‘Share’ Button for Its Mobile News Feed

    Facebook has confirmed that it’s launching a “Share” button for its mobile News Feed, according to TechCrunch. The button is now available on Facebook’s mobile site and will be available on the iOS and Android apps soon. The mobile “Share” button will do what the Web version does: allow users to repost links, photos or […]

  • Roundtable Discussion: Lead Generation in a Post-PC World

    Laptops and desktop computers are so 2011. According to comScore, mobile phones and tablets now account for 1 in 8 total Internet page views in the U.S., and by the end of 2012 smartphones will become the mobile majority. As a result of this tidal wave of a trend, the mobile ecosystem and location-based interactions […]

  • Foursquare vs. Yelp: Why Foursquare’s Progress Should Scare Yelp

    Foursquare’s pursuit of a fourth round of funding turns the heat up on the growing battle between the location-based social network and Yelp. While the latter has a strong head start, the monster wave that is mobile

  • Groupon’s Dark Days and What It Means for Consumers and Merchants

    Groupon is in trouble, an observation that can be made just by seeing the decline of the daily-deals company’s emails. Chances are, Groupon will be dead in 2013, according to one writer. There are three reasons why: 1) Groupon was and is a bad deal for most businesses, 2) businesses that need Groupon’s services most […]

  • How to Find New Content Ideas for Your Business Blog: 7 Ideas

    If you’re having difficulty coming up with ideas for new articles for your business blog, you’re in luck: Social Media Examiner offers these seven ways to find new and interesting content ideas for your blog. Among them is Bottlenose, which offers a live look at what’s trending in social media right now. The Sonar tab […]

  • Takeaways From Econsultancy’s Funnel 2012 for B2B Marketers

    Econsultancy hosted about 600 marketers in London for its Funnel B2B marketing conference. Here’s a rundown of a load of takeaways and sound bites from the speakers at the conference. For instance, Catherine Toole, CEO of Sticky Content, says to reuse content and aim for 3-4 pieces of content when you interview someone; Kleran Flanagan, […]

  • OutboundEngine Launches, Secures $1.6 M in Series A Funding

    Promo Labs Rebrands as OutboundEngine, Reaches Beyond DIY Email and Social Tools AUSTIN, TX-OutboundEngine,