
  • 3 Tools to Help Marketers Manage Their Social Media Efforts

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  • Groupon CEO Andrew Mason on the Hot Seat?

    Is Groupon’s quirky CEO Andrew Mason on his way out? According to “sources close to the situation,” several Groupon board members have been seriously talking about making changes to the daily-deal giant’s leadership, including possibly replacing Mason with a more experienced CEO. “The board of Groupon has a regularly scheduled meeting later this week; sources […]

  • LeadSift Raises $500,000 to Help Businesses Mine Social Networks for Sales Leads

    Canada-based LeadSift raised a seed round of $500,000 from Omers Ventures, a fund that has invested in other Canada-based startups like Hootsuite. LeadSift is a startup aiming to help businesses mine social media sites like Twitter and Foursquare for sales lead generation. The company plans to add Facebook and LinkedIn to the mix in the […]

  • The Top 10 Trends Lead-Generation Marketers Should Know About in 2013

    Depending on where you live, there are 33-34 days until 2013 arrives. That doesn’t leave much time to dawdle as 2012 draws to its close, but marketers still have plenty of time to read up on the key trends that will affect their industry next year. To that end, below are 10 important trends lead-generation […]

  • Calling a Lead Within the First Minute Increases the Likelihood of Conversion

    Speed, perseverance and timing are all key factors when it comes to converting leads with phone and email contact. A new study from Leads360 looks at best practices for marketers using phone and email correspondences to convert their leads. Among the findings is that the sixth call might be the charm that closes the deal. […]

  • Pew: 56% of Cellphone Owners Access the Internet, 43% Download Apps

    According to the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, 85 percent of American adults own a cellphone. Of this segment, 82 percent use their cellphones to take a picture, 80 percent use them to send or receive text messages, and 56 percent use them to access the Internet. Additionally, 50 percent send or […]

  • U.S. Social Media Ad Revenues to Hit $9.2 Billion in 2016, Mobile to Be Key Growth Area

    BIA/Kelsey projects U.S. social media ad revenues to rise to $9.2 billion in 2016, double the $4.6 billion this year and reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.2 percent. According to the company, the local segment of U.S. social media ad revenues will hit $3 billion in 2016, nearly three times the $1.1 […]

  • Time Spent per Day With Mobile Is Growing 14 Times Faster Than Desktop Use

    According to eMarketer, the growth of average time spent per day with mobile (nonvoice) by U.S. adults is 51.9 percent this year, which dwarfs the 3.6 percent growth of time spent with traditional online. Research from Net Marketshare found that mobile’s share of global browsing traffic was 10.3 percent in October, marking the first time […]

  • Infographic: ‘Mobile Shoppers Return: Retail Landscape Shifting’

    The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has generated an infographic detailing the mobile shopping landscape in 2012. Among the findings shared in the infographic is the list of top 10 U.S. mobile shopping-savvy cities: 1)

  • Facebook’s Lack of ‘AdChoices’ Icons Makes Industry’s Self-Regulation Easy to Criticize

    Facebook has been the noticeably absent giant from the online advertising’s effort to regulate itself as an industry. More specifically, the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA), an association of ad trade groups, is placing Ad Options icons on its members’ ads to inform consumers about the kind of data advertisers and ad-related firms are collecting to […]