
  • Keywords are KEY

    So you’ve decided to start a Pay Per Click campaign and have opened accounts with Yahoo Search Marketing and Google AdWords. Now what?

  • Are Internet Tolls Ahead?

    Just like highways, the Internet experiences heavy traffic. Up until now, the one thing that differentiated regular highways and the Internet was that no matter how much traffic there was, the Internet never required anyone to pay tolls in order to avoid major streams of traffic.

  • Google Desktop 3 Creates Privacy Concerns

    Google’s new beta version of its Google Desktop 3 allows users to transfer information from one computer to another, essentially allowing them “access to anything from anywhere,” as Gartner analyst Allen Weiner put it. In order to utilize this service, users must agree to allow Google to store the data on their servers for no more than 30 days.

  • Search Engine Revolution on the Horizon?

    The words “search engine” have become virtually synonymous with Google and maybe even Yahoo! and Microsoft. These Web leviathans have dominated the search engine scene and it is difficult to imagine it any other way. But is there a revolution that will usurp these three kings of their thrones?

  • Google Under Fire, But Search Is Strong

    Could the Sports Illustrated Jinx, where teams and athletes featured on the cover famously floundered soon after publication; have spread to their fellow Time, Inc.

  • Demand Service With Your On-Demand Software

    On Demand! We want it here, we want it now. Hell, we want it yesterday. Considering the instantaneous nature of the Information Age, these requests are reasonable to make of any technical solutions provider.

  • Make it like Google!

    Web designers – what a difficult job. Having to listen to marketers, systems, and business development folk harp on about what they want a page to look and ‘feel’ like.

  • DM Pimping Cartoon V19

    Persistent Screamers become comic book creations in the newest addition to the Confidential, DM Pimping. The Web Surfing Sinners get brought to animated life in this weekly cartoon for the online media masses. Click below to get flashed by the prettiest peons and ugliest underbelly of affiliate life.

  • Effectiveness in Lead Generation

    As initially covered in Anatomy of a Lead Gen Industry, the business of lead generation can be broken down into three main components:

  • Incentive Promotion 2.0

    Don’t let today’s “Effectiveness in Lead Generation” or hundred million plus dollar price tags of companies in the lead generation space fool you into thinking last year’s topic of conversation no longer shines brightly.