Mission Viejo, CA November 28, 2007 – As the Holiday season begins; many consumers will be out shopping for gifts for family and loved ones. With gas prices climbing and the mortgage meltdown many consumers won’t have the kind of holiday that they would like. Financial Analysts are predicting that many consumers won’t be shopping or if they are, they’ll be doing it with money they’ve borrowed. While that means the recipients of their gifts will wake up to a wonderful Christmas morning, it also means that when the bills come due many consumers will be looking for financial help.
“We know consumers” stated Shawn Schaefer, Director of Marketing at LinkValu Affiliate Network. “We know how much it means to them to have presents under the tree, to give that special someone a meaningful gift this time of year.” He continued “This year will be a lot harder on some families, with the mortgage market in shambles, and gas prices way up, giving a gift often means using credit or borrowing money, and that’s why we are debuting several debt relief and payday loan offers to our affiliates.” The offers will be available starting November 26th, 2007.
With four new offers in debt relief and payday loans, affiliate marketers will be able to test a wide variety of offers and creative in hopes of reaching the most interested consumers. The offers will range from 2 field lead forms up to 8 field forms. Payouts are designed to really appeal to affiliates, just as these offers will be very appealing to the consumers for who Christmas giving has broken their bank. For more information visit the LinkValu website today.
About LinkValu.com:
LinkValu.com is a performance based Affiliate Network providing proven expertise to Affiliates and Merchants alike. With over seven years of affiliate marketing experience, www.LinkValu.com is home to www.eLifePolicy.com, www.AmericanLifeDirect.com, www.LibertyDirect.com and www.AutoPolicyWeb.com among other successful affiliate programs. LinkValu.com offers affiliates and merchants excellent support, robust tracking and reporting and unique and proven programs. We invite you to ride our wave to the future of affiliate marketing.