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More Than 20% of Facebook Ad Spend Goes to Mobile Ads, Which Have a 70% Price Premium

According to Kenshoo Social, a social marketing platform, more than $1 out of every $5 spent on Facebook ads are delivered on mobile devices. More specifically, 79.7 percent of Facebook ad spend is on mobile ads, while 20.3 percent is on mobile ads. “The world’s top brands have embraced Facebook mobile advertising and we expect…

5 Things Marketers Should Know About Generating Leads on Google+

Google+ boasted an audience of 29 million unique visitors in the U.S. in November, according to comScore. This puts Google’s social network behind Facebook (150 million), LinkedIn (41 million) and Twitter (40 million), but ahead of Pinterest and Instagram (25 million each). This is a solid position for Google+, one that’s even better when you…

Infographic: The 2013 Design Guide to Email Marketing

HubSpot, an inbound-marketing software provider, has generated an infographic to help email marketers better understand what it takes to craft the best possible emails in 2013. Here are some of the key points in the infographic: –

How to Make Content Marketing Exciting in a Boring, Disreputable Industry

Insurance isn’t an industry that’s very conducive to exciting content marketing. For one thing, it has a negative reputation, one that sits above only tobacco, the financial sector and airlines. This case study walks through how one company turned to content marketing to boost the reputation of a business in the insurance industry. For marketers…

10 Ways to Improve Customer Retention for B2B Lead Generation

“If there is one activity that a lot of marketers tend to overlook in a lead generation campaign, it is trying to retain your current business prospects.” There are many ways to go about retaining your current customers. Take control when a customer complains, for example. Gather information from that interaction and use it to…

The Top 3 Lead-Generation Myths

There are plenty of misconceptions about marketing, sales and lead generation. While some may have some truth to them, many have no validity at all. Here are three such myths, busted: 1) There’s no such thing as a free online lead-gen channel: This isn’t true, though some of these free channels won’t give you an…

Answers to the Top 5 Questions About A/B Testing From 2012

Here are the top five questions about A/B testing from 2012, according to Michael Aagaard, the man behind Why do we need to test? What should we test? How do we get started? How do we set up an A/B split test? When can we stop the test? Aagaard answers all five of these…

Online Marketing Trends for 2013: Mobile, Attribution Modeling and Inbound Marketing

“Online marketing in 2012 could be summed up in a few words: mobile, big brands and Google updates,” writes Joanna Lord, vice president of growth marketing at SEOmoz. So what will be in store for online marketing in 2013? Lord shares 10 predictions, among which are: increased “second screen” (i.e., mobile) value, an evolution in…

3 Reasons Why B2B Marketers Should Use Google+ (Video)

Google+ might not be as big as Facebook, but it’s still a significant tool for B2B marketers to be paying attention to. According to comScore, Google+ boasted about 28.7 million unique visitors via desktop computers in October in the U.S., which places it well behind Facebook’s 149 million visitors during that same month. Meanwhile, in…