
  • Broadband Increases Reach

    Last week, the Federal Communications Commission released a report that showed big growth for broadband subscriptions in 2005. At the beginning of 2005, there were 37.9 million broadband enabled homes in the U.S. That…

  • CNN Exchange Relies on User-Created Content

    On Monday, CNN unveiled its answer to video-sharing and citizen journalism sites in the form of CNN Exchange, a page on that opens up article, video, and picture aggregation to users of the popular site.

  • Targets Social Networking at 50+ Crowd

    Founder of, Jeff Taylor, unveiled his latest project:, a social networking site aimed at Web users aged 50 and over.

  • Google Talk Upgraded

    It is a well-known fact that Google Talk has been just another of Google’s product offerings that has not been able to find a faithful following. According to comScore, Google Talk has been installed 976,000 times, but in June it only…

  • Lycos and the Importance of Linguistics in Search

    Remember Lycos, the search offspring dot-com bubble poster child CMG Information Services, Inc? Well, Lycos is still around, quiet, but still around after changing hands a few times. Now Christopher Mohn, heir to the…

  • Futuristic Fashion Goes Viral

    No matter how good (or should I say busy?) times are for professionals in the interactive sector, we can never take any status quo in our profession for granted; I believe the old adage “if you snooze, you lose” is applicable…

  • And a Pony

    A colleague in the office has hooked me on a particular phrase, “…and a Pony!” Jeff Atwood coined the phrase and first published on his Coding Horrors blog at the beginning of this year. Those who avidly follow the…

  • State of Remnant Advertising

    Two weeks ago, we looked at the impact that sites like MySpace have and will continue to have on those in the direct response / lead generation space. Historically, lead generation advertisers have found a way to succeed on…

  • Marketing to the MySpace Generation & The Economics of Social Networking

    Examine the history of online social networking and the circumstances which led to the development of MySpace and its subsequent acquisition by …

  • From Potlucks to Blogs

    Potluck season is in full swing here in the Upper Midwest. We wrapped up the school year with a picnic outside the old middle school curried rice, mac