Articles by

I’d Like to Teach the World to Blog

The Coca-Cola jingle is one of television’s classics: “I’d like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony…” Through the years its message of togetherness hasn’t lost an iota of relevance. The songwriters were alluding to elements of...

Exitcution: The

In The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell writes, “There is a concept in cognitive psychology called the channel capacity, which refers to the amount of space in our brain for certain kinds of information.” Channel capacity helps explain why...

Exitcution: The

Exitcution is all about how a company handles grow. Exitcution deals with not just how companies handle growth but whether they will continue to grow. It’s part strategy and a big part execution. With respect to those in the Internet...

SITE and its Research Arm to Reassess Relationship

The Society of Incentive & Travel Executives (SITE) and its research arm, the SITE Foundation, plan to meet in July to discuss the future of their joint relationship. The meeting was called after the foundation planned a re-launch without the board's approval.

Those Smashing Mash-Ups

The world heeds me not when I extol the virtues of convergence. “Con-what?” It’s the coming together of technologies, don’t you know, the new wave of…And I’ll stop right there. There’s better terminology for convergence as we tangibly...

Invest Wisely in a Business Geek

Business is like a game of poker—a few careless moves will have you trading in your designer clothes for a barrel with suspenders. New business ventures, particularly Internet ones, present thrilling opportunities; we come...

What If mergers

Summer seems to bring with it more than just warmer weather. It also seems to bring with it increased activity in mergers and acquisitions. This time last year, we saw within a sixty day window deals that included Valueclick buying...