Articles by

Power Law Functions – Explaining

At some point last year, I realized just how little I knew about the Internet. I had lived in a world that dealt originally with email advertising in newsletters to registration paths. I grew up, if you will, in a time where search had yet to prove

Mechanics of

This week’s Digital Trends explores the phenomenon known as the Long Tail, a phrase and now book by Wired editor-in-chief Chris Anderson, first published as an article for the magazine he heads in October 2004. Part 1 of...

Twisting Your Keywords in the Wind

While studying the creatives of competitors throughout my years in the paid search industry, as any self-respecting SEM should, too often have I witnessed the same thing: It seems as though countless search engine advertisers use the same...

Stringing the Purse

The hefty revenue increases many marketing agencies have posted in the past three years have begun to filter through the ranks, finding their way into

Big Brands Securing .mobi Domain Names

There’s a new top-level domain in town, and its name is Dotmobi. The name is a moniker for mLTD, which stands for mobile Top Level Domain, Ltd. It was appointed to be the authorized worldwide registry for the .mobi domain by the...

I’d Like to Teach the World to Blog

The Coca-Cola jingle is one of television’s classics: “I’d like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony…” Through the years its message of togetherness hasn’t lost an iota of relevance. The songwriters were alluding to elements of...

Exitcution: The

In The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell writes, “There is a concept in cognitive psychology called the channel capacity, which refers to the amount of space in our brain for certain kinds of information.” Channel capacity helps explain why...

Exitcution: The

Exitcution is all about how a company handles grow. Exitcution deals with not just how companies handle growth but whether they will continue to grow. It’s part strategy and a big part execution. With respect to those in the Internet...