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Education Companies Get the Highest CTR for Email Marketing Campaigns

According to a report from Silverpop, education and health care companies get the highest average click-through rates (CTRs) on email marketing campaigns. The education industry gets a mean CTR of 5.8 percent, with its top quartile achieving a CTR of 12.8 percent. The health care sector gets a mean CTR of 4.2 percent, with its…

Five Reasons Not to Use Marketing Automation

By Micky Long, vice president and practice director of lead nurturing, Arketi Group As a "seasoned" B2B marketer who has jumped into the automated lead-nurturing pool with both feet and experienced significant results firsthand, I'm not having a change of heart. Marketing automation does work, but only if you do it right.

Spring Cleaning for Marketers: Zombies, Unloved Leads, Email Upkeep and More

Spring is teasing the East Coast with sporadic warm weather these days, while it’s being downright mean to Chicagoland. Nevertheless, the reality is that we’re already a month into spring. For marketers, warm weather or not, it’s high time for some spring cleaning. This means taking stock of current processes and habits, seeing how far…

How Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Can Turn Social Media Fans Into Customers

According to a report from Bank of America, in October about a third of small-business owners said social media is an effective marketing tactic, down from 42 percent last April. Another survey from The Wall Street Journal and Vistage International found that small-business owners didn’t think much of any social network not named LinkedIn. Meanwhile,…

Study: 81% of Consumers Search for Restaurants on Mobile Apps

If you run a restaurant, you had better make sure that your online listings are up-to-date and your menu is easily readable on a mobile device. A new study from SinglePlatform and Chadwick Martin Bailey highlights the importance of the mobile channel for restaurants, finding that more than 8 in 10 consumers have searched for…

Test Your ‘Landing-Page Vision’: 15 Questions to Ask

Conversion rate optimization is “a well without a bottom,” which is why online marketers who stop at elementary tips for improving their landing pages are missing out. Alesia Krush, digital marketer at writing for Search Engine People, offers 15 “tests” for marketers to help them gauge how well they understand their landing pages. Among…

Infographic: How to Create a B2B Marketing Plan

Smart Insights, a website offering marketing advice, has created a helpful infographic that lays out seven steps to executing an effective B2B marketing plan. While many B2B companies are good at using tactics like SEO, PPC, landing pages, social media and email, they often lack a planned approach based on an integrated inbound marketing plan,…

25 Marketing Tips for Small Businesses, Backed by Academic Research

Academic research can be overwhelming and hard to wade through, but some of it holds some gems for small businesses looking to improve their marketing and overall business tactics. Gregory Ciotti, content strategist at Help Scout writing for Unbounce, offers a neat overview of 25 tips for small businesses gleaned from research. These include: –