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How to Generate Leads With Social Media: 50 Tips

By now, if you’re in the business of generating leads, social media is likely part of your game plan. According to an infographic from Brafton, which pulls information from various sources, 90 percent of B2C marketers and 80 percent of B2B marketers invest in Facebook. These numbers are 69 percent and 80 percent, respectively, for…

Mother’s Day 2013: Paid Search Spend in Flowers/Gifts to Exceed $11 Million

According to AdGooroo, paid search spending by advertisers in the “Flowers & Mail Order Gifts” category is set to surpass $11 million this month, thanks to Mother’s Day. In May 2012, spending hit $9.4 million. AdGooroo notes that the top paid search advertiser in the category (on AdWords in the U.S.) last year was ProFlowers…

‘The New Rules of Lead Generation’

Marketers know what lead generation is, but too many of them don’t know how to do it well, especially with the landscape quickly evolving. That’s why Dave Scott, CEO and founder of Marketfish, decided to literally write the book on lead generation, “The New Rules of Lead Generation: Proven Strategies to Maximize Marketing ROI.” We…

Infographic: How Mobile Can Personalize Marketing

ExactTarget, an email marketing company, has put together an infographic based on a report from Econsultancy about how marketers are falling short of personalizing experiences for consumers, especially on mobile devices. Among the intriguing bits of information from the infographic are: –

Groupon Loses Its Head of Groupon Goods to Staples Ahead of Q1 2013 Earnings

Late last week, GigaOM reported that Faisal Masud, the vice president of Groupon Goods, would be leaving the daily-deals company to take a position at Staples. Masud’s departure comes about a year after he left eBay to lead Groupon’s e-commerce arm, which has seen success since its inception in 2011. The news was shared just…

How to Boost Engagement on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Other Social Media Sites

Merely being on major social media platforms isn’t good enough. Brands and marketers need to push beyond that ordinary landmark and find ways to increase the engagement they get on those channels. Bryden McGrath, a social media strategist at Portent Inc., shares some helpful tips in a post for Social Media Examiner: Facebook: highlight employees,…

How to Write Emails That Sell Without Being ‘Salesy’

Marketers often make the mistake of writing their emails like sales letters. This means that “they pack them with benefits and use all the usual copywriting tricks – out of context – and selling ‘choke holds,'” according to Ben Settle, a direct-response copywriter and email marketing strategist writing for Copyblogger. What marketers should be doing…

The Science of Colors in Marketing

Facebook is primarily blue for a rather mundane reason: Mark Zuckerberg sees blue better than he sees other colors because he’s red-green colorblind. Sometimes it’s just that simple