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Google Introduces Top Charts for Trends, a Blessing for Keyword Research

Marketers should know that Google Trends is a helpful tool for conducting keyword research, especially when it comes to finding out what searchers are interested at this very moment. On Wednesday, Google unveiled a neat new feature for Google Trends: Top Charts, which the company describes as “lists of real-world people, places and things ranked…

Twitter Unveils the Lead Generation Card

Back in mid-February, Twitter’s @TwitterAds account was “caught” posting a lead-generation card. Well, today Twitter makes things official with the announcement of the “Lead Generation Card.” This new addition to Twitter’s stable of Cards is meant to help brands drive highly qualified leads, according to the company’s blog post. “The Lead Generation Card makes it…

Infographic: All You Need to Know About Content Marketing

Demand Metric, a marketing advisory firm based in Vancouver, has assembled a doozy of an infographic covering just about all aspects of content marketing. From statistics to an overview of the process, the infographic walks marketers through what they need to know to be a content marketing mastermind. Here are some stats from the infographic…

FTC Proposes Limits on Payment Methods and Other Changes to the Telemarketing Sales Rule

By Jonathan L. Pompan, Esq., Venable LLP The Federal Trade Commission ("FTC") has announced proposed amendments to the Telemarketing Sales Rule ("TSR") that would prohibit the use of certain payment methods, expand the scope of the advance fee ban on "recovery services," and make several clarifications to the language of existing TSR requirements. Comments are…

Google Now, Voice and Predictive Search, and What It All Means for Marketers

Google’s recent I/O conference put a bow on what we’ve known for a while now: The search giant is leaving behind the text-input box in favor of users’ voices and contextual information. In other words, if the search giant has anything to say about it (and with two-thirds of the U.S. search market, they clearly…

How to Optimize Images for Pinterest: 6 Steps

The Web, and social media sites in particular, is becoming more visually charged, which makes Pinterest a valuable channels for brands. But as content has to be optimized, images need optimization, too. In a guest post for Search Engine People, Ann Smarty offers six steps for optimizing Pinterest images: 1)

Study: Social Media May Be Free, But Marketers Have to Pay to Get Optimal Results

Many marketers adore social media because it’s viewed as a mostly free channel for driving engagement and sales. But a recent study from Kenshoo Social, conducted by Forrester, has findings that make a strong case to see social media more as a paid channel. Social tactics: free vs. paid According to the study, which is…

How to Manage Your PPC Budget for the Best Possible Results: A ‘Case Study’

By Paul Taylor, founder and CEO of Webmarketing123 For most advertisers, the phrase "Managing your PPC Budget for Best Results" will elicit a thought response of setting a daily campaign budget in Google AdWords or maybe a monthly campaign budget in Bing Ads that falls within their budgeting constraints. This is the beginning and end…